Telltale Signs Your Fussy Baby Needs an Adjustment

In their first year of life, newborns go through a tremendous amount of growth. From birth up until 6 months, they can grow an average of  ½ an inch to an inch each month and may gain as many as 5-7 oz a week, according to the Mayo Clinic. This means your newborn is likely to double their birth weight in a matter of 5 months or less.

With this amount of rapid change, it’s no wonder your baby can get fussy at times.

The usual culprits for a crying baby include:

  • A dirty diaper

  • A grumbling tummy

  • A sleepy baby

  • The need to be held and comforted

  • An upset tummy

  • New teeth growing in

For most new moms, it takes some time to realize why your baby is visibly upset, but after awhile it becomes second nature. Soon enough, you can easily recognize a dirty diaper cry from a hungry baby one.

But, for some babies, the fussiness lasts a bit longer than a diaper change or burping session. This leaves many new moms wondering what else could be going on.

Signs Something is Not Quite Right

Since your baby is too young to tell you what’s really going on, you’ll need to keep an eye out for the following red flags that show up in the form of physical symptoms.

Unexplained crying


Have you tried feeding your baby, burping them and changing their diaper only to find out that they’re still crying and you don’t know why? This situation can be frustrating for new parents and is hard to watch since you’re unsure of how to help. But, if the problem continues, it’s a good indication that something more may be bothering them.


Colic is a condition where the unexplained crying persists for more than three hours at a time, for more than three days a week, for at least one week. Most experts say that this should subside by the third or fourth month, but, if the problem is not correctly identified, it may only get worse.

Instead of waiting things out, it’s a good idea to check your baby’s spine. Between the actual birthing process and growing so rapidly, babies are more likely to have a vertebral subluxation that could be causing them some discomfort. The only way to know for sure is to have your baby’s spine checked.

Poor appetite

Babies should normally be eating every few hours or so, so if you notice a decrease in their appetite, you’ll need to keep an eye on things. It could be something as simple as a tummyache or a distaste for the formula or food they’re currently on or it could be a sign that something more is amiss.

Excessive fussiness (more so than usual)

In addition to a poor appetite, you may notice your baby is fidgeting with a certain area in particular. Maybe they’re constantly reaching for their ears or you notice them trying to rub their eyes.  The most common reasons why a newborn feels these symptoms are due to things like colds, allergies, and earaches or ear infections.

With a cold or allergy, you may notice additional physical symptoms such as coughing or sneezing, red or watery eyes, and an elevated body temperature. These are all clear indications that your newborn’s body is trying to fight off a foreign invader.

For most new parents, this situation is worrisome, which is completely understandable. Your baby is uncomfortable and as a parent you want to do everything you can to make sure they’re as happy and healthy as can be.

Where to Turn to Next

Although your first inclination is to visit your primary care doctor, it may not be in your baby’s best interest.

Many doctors rush to prescribe antibiotics as a form of treatment. In some cases, this makes sense, but, for simple things like colds and possible ear infections, you could actually be making the problem worse.

When antibiotics are prescribed (often much too early), they upset the natural balance of good and bad bacteria in the body. This makes it hard for your baby’s immune system to work properly.

A good, natural alternative is to check the alignment of their spine. Even a tiny misalignment can be causing your baby to fuss more or even eat less. Plus, spinal adjustments are perfectly safe for little ones and will boost their immune system much more effectively than a round of antibiotics since it won’t affect the good bacteria found in their guts that fight off foreign invaders.

Not only will a spinal adjustment help your baby in the short term, but it will also help them as they grow.

To learn more about adjusting your newborn, we encourage you to give our office a call today! We’d love to help your newborn live healthier the natural way.

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